

Jaguar in Panama Rainforest

Among the species of big cats, only jaguars are found on the large Continent of America. They are considered the largest among South America’s big cats. These powerful beasts were very dominant in Native American cultures. The name jaguar came from the Native American word ‘yaguar’ meaning “he who kills with one leap”. 


Jaguars are next to tigers and lions when it comes to size of big cats in America. They are solitary and extremely territorial that they mark their preferred habitat either with urine or markings on trees. One interesting fact about these big cats is that they do not avoid water unlike any other mammals, in fact, they are good swimmers. They prey on animals in the water and can even eat larger animals like tapirs and peccaries. They can also climb on top of trees to prepare for ambush of a prey. Most species are tan or dark orange with black spots shaped like roses.


Probably you’re one of those people often confused on how these two cats differ from one another. Before trying to name any of them, please be reminded of some things: jaguars tend to have bigger rosettes accompanied with spots in the middle while leopards has no spots on its rosettes. Moreover, jaguars have indeed bigger forehead and jaws than leopards as an adaptation to their unique way of eating their prey. Jaguars generally weigh heavier than leopards.


Barro Colorado of Panama is one of the most researched tropical ecosystems in the planet. It is an island located in the Panama Canal wherein one day, a hidden camera was triggered by a presence of a jaguar in the place. This sighting is really significant for conservationists knowing that jaguars in Panama are rarely seen. They came to extinction due to destruction of habitat and hunting for their skin. Information provided by hidden cameras like these provide greater insights to activities of jaguars so that better construction and design for space of these animals will be further developed.


Big Cats of the Panama Jungle

Primarily due to geological history, Panama has one of the richest biodiversity. As you may know, Panama emerged as a bridge of land about 3 million years ago that connects the North and South America. In result to this, animals from the two continents are free to transport back and forth that creates an ideal array of wildlife. 

Panama is a home to species of big cats unique to Central America. Among these are puma, jaguar, jaguarundi, ocelot and margay.


This is a wild cat that weighs on the average 10 to 15 kilograms making it the largest in the genus Leopardus. It has a scientific name of Leopardus pardalis from the Latin word pardalis, meaning “leopard-like”. Ocelots are extremely territorial at the same time, nocturnal. They can fight to death once threatened and can be very aggressive. Ocelots eat a variety of preys like birds, amphibians, rodents, chickens and a lot more. Their strongest sense is their vision, they can see clearly even at night.


The mountain lion (Puma concolor) is a big cat that is more closely related to domesticated cats than other big cats. It is considered as the only mammal that can be compared to humans because of its versatility in conquering America, evidence is the variety of name it established in different places throughout the continent. The pumas are secretive animals. They hunt their prey usually from the back. It kills them through a bite at the base of the skull.


The jaguar is the world’s third largest cat and has the strongest bite among the big cats. They are solitary and territorial animals. Jaguars eat large animals and are mostly found on habitats with water bodies. Jaguars are very similar to leopards, but they are different in a way that jaguars have larger spots with thick outlines. They are excellent swimmers.


Jaguarundi is a small cat, which differs from domesticated cats of Latin America by its elongated head rather than rounded. They can either be black, red, or brownish gray. Jaguarundis are frequently observed travelling in pairs. They feed on small mammals.


These are small, spotted cats closely similar to ocelots. They have a special kind of feet that allows them to turn by 180 degrees- they are broad with flexible ankles and movable toes. They are carnivorous and feed on reptiles or birds. The margay spends its whole life mainly on trees.

Information on Panama Weather: Knowing When to Go

Anyone can go to Panama whenever he pleases, but of course, it would be better if you set your vacation on your most preferred time. Here we've listed some facts on Panama’s weather and what to expect each month.

Panama lies just above the equator that’s why you can expect a tropical climate here throughout the year. Records set that an average annual temperature ranges from 24-29 degrees Celsius depending only on altitude. Expect high humidity in Panama whereas the heat becomes oppressive. 


It’s been most suggested that the best time to plan your vacation on Panama is during the summer dry season, mid-December to mid-April. Take note that hotel accommodations and resorts place higher rates on their charges throughout these months. During this time, less rain is experienced. However, rainfall concerns differ in every part of the country. For example, on the Pacific side, the weather is fair and there is less possibility of rain during December or January.

Remember that outdoor pursuits highly depend on the climate outside. If you plan to do trekking or probably hiking, come during the dry season and you’ll surely have a smooth adventure.  On the other hand, if you like to do water sports or surfing, you might want to consider the offshore winds from December to mid-April. Diving is also at its best during these months where better visibility can be observed.  

On the contrary, the rainy season peaks from late May to early December. Keep in mind that rainy season doesn’t pertain to continuous heavy rain, usually the mornings are sunny and rains occur in the afternoon. T he rainiest months are October and November. The western areas in the Caribbean receive the highest amount of rainfall in the country. 


Colorful festivities and celebrations are also one of the considerations of visitors in planning their trip to Panama. In fact, there is a common connotation to Panamanians that the only thing they take seriously is their holidays. Public facilities including businesses and offices close their establishments during festivals, and even the modes of transportation are lessened. Panama City’s Carnaval is the most revered holiday though it’s not an official holiday. Another large celebration is the Azuero Peninsula, made popular by its Carnaval (Mardi Gras).